Pandemic Relief Rapid Re-Employment (Job Seekers)
Did Covid impact your employment? Find your next opportunity!
Through Pandemic Relief Rapid Re-Employment, LA County residents can access work readiness training, on-the-job training, transitional opportunities, supportive services and more.
Potential participants will be connected to a Career Pathways Advisor who will guide individuals every step of the way.
Program requirements include:
- Must be an adult over the age of 18
- Unemployed or underemployed due to COVID*
*Employed in a position that is inadequate with respect to their skills and training, individuals who are employed who meet the definition of low-income individual or individuals who are employed or job earnings are not sufficient compared to previous job earnings or employment.
Potential participants who are BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, Person of Color) women, low-income, or public assistance recipients are encouraged to apply and will receive priority service.
Currently seeking participants for the following industry sectors:
Film & Digital Media, Social & Human Services, Information Technology, Healthcare, Advanced Manufacturing, Construction, and Trade & Logistics.
How to Apply
Get started today! Fill out the PRRR Job Seekers form.
“For the last ten years, both collaboration and cooperation have been a driving force behind daily operations at Proof, “said Ma. “when employees help to build a business and keep it going. I think it’s important that they have a change to reap the benefits”
Na Young Ma
Founder and Selling Owner
Proof Bakery, Los Angeles