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The Los Angeles County Department of Economic Opportunity strives for a more equitable economic with thriving local communities, inclusive and sustainable growth, and opportunity and mobility for all. DEO creates quality jobs, helps small businesses and high-road employers start and grow, and builds vibrant local communities and spaces.

Build Back Better

DEO is committed to helping communities & businesses build back better by deploying more than $156 million in economic and workforce development programming through the American Rescue Plan Act.

Street Vending in LA County

DEO, in partnership with local community-based organizations, will establish a County Sidewalk Vending Ordinance and a County-led permitting process in effort to provide a legal pathway to street vending in unincorporated LA County. This initiative is prompted by the Safe Sidewalk Vending Act (SB 946), passed in 2019 to decriminalize street vending throughout the State of California and to allow local authorities to develop guidelines and infrastructure to formalize the street vending industry.