Letter of Support Request

Learn how to secure a Letter of Support or request partnership with the Department of Economic Opportunity.

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The Department of Economic Opportunity is a proud partner to various LA County agencies, community organizations, industries, and collaborator on initiatives around economic and workforce development that seek to enrich the lives of our residents and support regional economic growth.  

Due to DEO’s extensive work and reach in LA County, the department and its divisions such as the Workforce Development Board, often receive requests to provide Letters of Support (LOS) to partners in the community for competitive grant applications or advocacy on economic, workforce, and community development topics. 

Please review our Letter of Support procedures and eligibility criteria to ensure your request aligns with DEO’s overall mission and vision before completing the request form.

Eligibility Criteria

The project or initiative must align with DEO’s mission and vision, County and Board priorities, and strategic plans. 

The proposed project or advocacy issue should provide sufficient evidence of potential benefits to LA County residents, businesses, region, or sectors to promote economic growth and inclusion, sustainability, and/or workforce development opportunities. 

  • If the LOS is for a competitive grant, the requestor must indicate the number of resources the grant will bring to the region and impact goals for businesses, job seekers, and the overall community.  
  • If the LOS is for an advocacy issue, the requestor must indicate the regional impact of the issue.  

The LOS request must be submitted 21 business days in advance of when the letter is needed. Any expedited requests should go to deo@opportunity.lacounty.gov for special consideration. The requestor must not have any conflicts of interest, CARD findings, debarred from County Contracting or unresolved compliance issues with LA County and DEO (Listing of Contractors Debarred in Los Angeles County – County of Los Angeles Procurement Services (lacounty.gov)). 

We appreciate your consideration for partnership. We are committed to processing your request in a timely manner.  Please note, that DEO reserves the right to deny any request for a LOS, including insufficient time or information to review and approve the request.

Steps to Take

Step One: Review eligibility criteria above to determine if you qualify.  

Step Two: Complete DEO’s Letter of Support Request online form. 

Note: The purpose of this form is to ensure that all requests are handled consistently, transparently, and in alignment with the department’s mission, goals, and overall initiatives. It is also important to clarify if only a LOS is needed and/or if broader partnership is requested on the grant or proposal. 

Step Three: Your submission should be completed 21 business days before the letter is needed. 

Step Four: You will be notified within 7 business days if the request is approved to move forward.

Step Five: Once approval is received it may take up to 14 days to receive the final signed letter from DEO.  
